Full Moon in Taurus

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Full Moon in Taurus

Use the Moon's cycle to reconnect with your body's natural rhythm.

Did you know, that as the moon travels through each zodiac sign, she brings to light different areas of our lives. The Full Moon in Taurus arrives on November 15, 2024. Many people may not know this, but the 12 astrological archetypes can help us understand so much about ourselves in this moment in time, deepen our understanding of ourselves, support our inner development, and sync up with natural cycles of the earth.

I didn’t know any of this! That’s why I felt I needed to share. All this comes from a random Lunar journal I found one day at Barnes and Noble. So far it’s been an adventure, and has helped me understand many things about myself at certain moments in time.

Also disclosure: Some links (not all) within this post are affiliate links and I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. I only recommend things that I have personally tried:)  I am a big believer of keeping books and bookstores alive, but I married a Jewish man who doesn’t like to pay full price for things. lol  So I have provided two options if you wanted to grab your own copy from a local store, or if you get all your books through Amazon.

I also make sure that I support local bookstores the best I can by purchasing some of my books through them when I can. It’s balance…just like everything in life. 🙂

The Astro-Luna Journal: Self-Exploration and Empowerment Through the Moon and Astrology

Written By Monika Anna Illustrated by Sibylline Meant

Meticulously examining every star sign, The Astro-Luna Journal gives you an in-depth look at the archetypes of the zodiac, along with how the moon interacts with these cosmic forces.

The Astro-Luna Journal is your guide to the moon’s journey. Journal prompts invite you to set intentions at each New Moon, then reflect on how you achieved your goals at the Full Moon. Includes:

  • An overview of the moon’s phases and how they affect you
  • An archetypal guide to the zodiac
  • How to create a personalized moon ritual for self-care
  • Journaling prompts for the new and full moon in each sign
  • How the moon moves through your birth chart

FULL MOON IN TAURUS - What does it mean?

Monika writes about how the Taurus archetype is resourceful and persistent. Taurus teaches us about the world through our senses (sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing.) Mother Nature provides for us just as her name entails… Mother. She sustains and nurtures our bodies and souls through food, the sounds of the birds, the ocean waves, the smell of flowers, the cold dirt, and so much more. We are connected with our world in a very literal sense, and when any of those connections are severed, we experience physical, emotional and psychological starvation.

"We are connected with our world in a very literal sense, and when any of those connections are severed, we experience physical, emotional and psychological starvation."

This archetype is often linked to material worth, this sign informs our inner values – we spend our money on what we value. Taurus’s main concern is sustaining stability, and doesn’t change very quickly. However, Taurus possesses nature’s timing. Change is inevitable, even if slow, it is unavoidable.

Info/Attributes of Taurus Archetype

Polarity: Negative/receptive/feminine

Modality: Fixed

Element: Earth

Planetary Ruler: Venus

Motto: “I embody.”



Personal Possessions
Material Attachments
Five Senses

"The Full Moon in Taurus is a celebration of our worth and our beauty, both external and internal."

The Full Moon in Taurus is a celebration of our worth and our beauty, both external and internal. This is also a time for gratitude for the strength of our body, and our appreciation of our connection to the earth. It’s a good time to treat yourself to something of value. This Full Moon can shine light on other themes of self-worth and codependency in your life, and the struggles between our feelings of security and vulnerability. Use this energy to stay GROUNDED.

Affirmation for the cycle of the full moon in Taurus.

*Choose a keyword from the list above and write a personal affirmation for what you want to release from your life, what you want to let go of or what you want to forgive yourself for, based on this signs archetypal energy.

Example: “I’m grateful for all the resources that provide me with safety and security in my life. I release my overindulgence.”

Journal Prompts and Soul Questions for Full Moon in Taurus.

  1. Celebration and gratitude: Select one of the keywords and celebrate that feeling or trait in your life. Gratitude is a powerful emotion, helping us maintain our state of physical and emotional wellbeing.
  2. Power: Acknowledge situations in life when you felt your own power. How did it align with your values and convictions? How can you bring more of this feeling into everyday life?
  3. Growth: What in your life is growing and blossoming? Where in your life do you use your perseverance and stubbornness to create beauty? Celebrate whatever is flourishing, along with the strength that it took to achieve this growth.

The Astro-Luna Journal: Self-Exploration and Empowerment Through the Moon and Astrology

Written By Monika Anna Illustrated by Sibylline Meant

Meticulously examining every star sign, The Astro-Luna Journal gives you an in-depth look at the archetypes of the zodiac, along with how the moon interacts with these cosmic forces.

The Astro-Luna Journal is your guide to the moon’s journey. Journal prompts invite you to set intentions at each New Moon, then reflect on how you achieved your goals at the Full Moon. Includes:

  • An overview of the moon’s phases and how they affect you
  • An archetypal guide to the zodiac
  • How to create a personalized moon ritual for self-care
  • Journaling prompts for the new and full moon in each sign
  • How the moon moves through your birth chart

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Sending you all the Good Vibes💜✨🌙

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