Responding to being called too sensitive

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What to Say When Someone Tells You, “You’re Being Too Sensitive”

Breaking Down the Misconception of Being "Too Sensitive"

If you’ve ever been told, “You’re too sensitive,” you know how invalidating and frustrating it can feel. Sensitivity is often misunderstood, but it’s important to recognize that being sensitive isn’t inherently bad. Often, the accusation of being “too sensitive” reflects more about the other person’s inability to understand or process emotions than it does about you.

For me, self-awareness has been a journey of hardcore reflection. I’ve had to sit with difficult emotions, replay conversations, and ask myself some tough questions to figure out whether I was overreacting or if there was something deeper at play. I’ve also realized that I’m not the only one who needs to change and grow through self-awareness. While I always hold myself accountable first, I’ve learned that sometimes, it truly isn’t about me—it’s about the other person.

It hasn’t always been easy. Early on, I would carry interactions with me for days, turning them over in my mind before coming to a conclusion. But as I’ve practiced self-reflection more regularly, I’ve gotten better at identifying my triggers and understanding what really bothers me. This process has been empowering, helping me differentiate between times when I need to address my reactions and moments where I simply need to let go.

Here, we’ll explore why others may perceive you as “too sensitive” and offer seven reflective questions to ask yourself when faced with this accusation. These steps can help you respond thoughtfully and ensure you’re staying true to yourself.

Why Do People Say, “You’re Too Sensitive”?

Understanding these dynamics can help you navigate these interactions without internalizing unwarranted criticism.

  1. Lack of Emotional Awareness: Some people struggle to process or understand emotions, making them quick to dismiss others’ feelings.
  2. Projection: They might be projecting their own discomfort or insecurities onto you, using “sensitivity” as a deflection.
  3. Cultural Conditioning: Society often glorifies stoicism and “toughness,” leading to misunderstandings about emotional depth and empathy.
  4. Fear of Accountability: Calling you “too sensitive” may be a way to avoid taking responsibility for their actions or words.
Emotional self-awareness

7 Questions to Ask Yourself When Someone Says, “You’re Too Sensitive”

  1. What Exactly Am I Feeling?
    Take a moment to identify your emotions. Are you hurt, frustrated, or simply misunderstood? Naming your feelings can help you address them constructively.

  2. Why Did Their Comment Bother Me?
    Reflect on whether their words were genuinely hurtful or if you’re interpreting them in a personal way. Was the comment offensive or simply a difference of opinion?

  3. Is This About Me or Them?
    Consider whether the situation is more about their inability to handle emotions than your sensitivity. Often, their reaction says more about them.

  4. Am I Overreacting?
    While sensitivity is a strength, it’s worth asking if you’re amplifying a situation unnecessarily. Self-awareness is key to managing your emotions effectively.

  5. Am I Setting Boundaries?
    If someone repeatedly dismisses your feelings, it may be time to set boundaries. Your emotions are valid, and you don’t need to tolerate disrespect.

  6. Do I Need to Respond or Walk Away?
    Not every situation requires a reaction. Sometimes the best response is to disengage and focus on your well-being.

  7. What Self-Care Can I Practice Right Now?
    If the situation feels overwhelming, take a step back and prioritize self-care. Journaling, meditating, or taking a walk can help you regain clarity and balance.

Reflective questions for sensitive people

Responding Gracefully to "You’re Too Sensitive"

When confronted with this statement, your response can set the tone for how others treat you. Here are a few approaches:

  • Calmly Acknowledge Your Feelings: “I understand that you may not see it this way, but this is how I feel, and I’d appreciate it if we could discuss it respectfully.”

  • Set a Boundary: “I don’t think dismissing my feelings is helpful. Let’s focus on resolving the issue instead.”

  • Redirect the Conversation: “I’d like to understand your perspective, but I also want my feelings to be heard.”

Self-Awareness: The Key to Empowering Your Sensitivity

Sensitivity, when paired with self-awareness, becomes a superpower. It allows you to connect deeply with others while maintaining emotional resilience. By taking time to reflect on your reactions and prioritize your well-being, you’re better equipped to handle misunderstandings and strengthen your emotional intelligence.

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. " - Maya Angelou

Other Tools and Links

Apps, Articles, Experts, And Beyond

  • Dr. Elaine Aron’s Official Website for HSPsThis is the go-to resource for highly sensitive people, created by the psychologist who coined the term. It includes self-assessments, articles, research, and tools to embrace and thrive as an HSP.
  • The Highly Sensitive Refuge –A supportive online community offering articles, personal stories, and tips for sensitive people. Topics include relationships, self-care, and managing the unique challenges of being highly sensitive.
  • Mindful – Tools for Grounding and Meditation This website offers mindfulness exercises, guided meditations, and advice on emotional regulation. It’s a great resource for helping sensitive individuals develop grounding practices to protect their energy and focus on self-care.
  • Master a New Skill with Skillshare Sensitive souls often thrive when they can channel their emotions and creativity into something meaningful. With a FREE TRIAL on Skillshare, you can learn skills like creative writing, art, or mindfulness techniques to express yourself and turn your sensitivity into a strength. Discover tools to grow, heal, and share your unique gifts with the world.

  • Meditation Made Easy with Muse
    For sensitive individuals, quieting the mind and protecting your energy are essential. The Muse Meditation Headband offers guided meditations and real-time feedback to help you find calm, focus your intentions, and create inner peace. It’s a powerful tool to help you embrace your sensitivity and use it to strengthen your emotional resilience.

  • Begin Your Yoga Journey
    As a sensitive person, staying grounded and connected to your body is vital. Manduka Yoga offers free online classes that provide a safe and nurturing space to recharge and align your mind and body. Whether you’re looking to release stress, build strength, or find balance, yoga can help you turn your sensitivity into a superpower.

I am a big believer of keeping books and bookstores alive, but I married a Jewish man who doesn’t like to pay full price for things. lol  So I have provided two options if you wanted to grab your own copy from a local store. Every purchase through Bookshop financially supports your local and independent bookstores near you!  Or if you get all your books through Amazon (you don’t need to explain your reasons) I have also linked it through Amazon.

I make sure that I support local bookstores the best I can by purchasing some of my books through them when I can, but Amazon is a great resource too. So you know, it’s called balance…just like everything in life. 🙂

The Empowered Empath: A Workbook to Help Highly Sensitive People Set Boundaries, Learn Self-Reliance, and Protect Their Spirit

By Susan Reynolds

An easy to read book for highly sensitive people. Learn how to embrace other people’s feelings while validating your own with this guided workbook’s 100+ writing prompts and activities.

3-Minute Positivity Workbook: Transform Your Life by Changing Your Thoughts

by Susan Reynolds

Transform your life and thoughts in just a few minutes a day with the 3-Minute Positivity Workbook!
Disclaimer: This book can make you have a positive outlook on life. You can learn how to work with what you’re feeling at any given moment to bring your body and mind back to a peaceful state. We can’t be happy every single second of the day, it’s just not plausible nor would we want to be. Our emotions serve to guide us through life, so why not look at all emotions in a different light?

A Final Note: Sensitivity as a Tool for Growth

The next time someone accuses you of being “too sensitive,” remember that sensitivity is not a flaw but a strength that fosters empathy, creativity, and connection. By reflecting on these seven questions and responding with grace, you’re not only empowering yourself but also showing others the beauty of living with emotional depth.

So embrace your sensitive soul—it’s your greatest asset in a world that needs more understanding and kindness.

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