How To Manage Your Burnout - 5 Healthy Ways To Start Managing Burnout
First of all, there is no magic cure to fixing your burnout, just like anything else we need to work daily at managing our stress and burnout. When we hit a point of burnout an extended vacation may make you feel better, but you also need to find the root of why you are feeling so detached from yourself. Managing your burnout is about being self-aware and mindful of your emotions. (If you don’t know what burnout is, or are wondering if you have it –check here)
We need to value ourselves and our rest/recovery – over being productive sometimes. I know that’s easier said than done. I am keenly aware of that feeling when you’re trying to relax because you’re stressed or high-strung, but your brain won’t turn off and you keep thinking you’re lazy by taking time to rest. Or you try to take some time by yourself, but your brain keeps making a list of all the other things you need to get done.
I get it! Being a mom made me feel super guilty for taking a break when there were so many things I needed to get done. They say ‘sleep when the baby sleeps’ right… but when would anything else get done then? I soon realized that if I didn’t rest and care for myself I couldn’t be there fully for my kid. So I had to hit rock bottom a few different times to finally realize that I need to prioritize my health and well-being too.
Yeah, a couple of times, which means, I made the same mistakes multiple times and didn’t learn my lesson right away – How very stubborn of me 😂 I’m hoping you don’t have to make the same mistakes to understand.
You have to want to make the change though, and you have to work on it daily. Yes, you can read a bunch of books or blog posts about how to be less stressed or not be burnt out anymore, but if you don’t put any of those tips and tricks into action (daily) you’re just doing yourself a disservice.
This is ultimately why I started this blog. I needed to hold myself accountable.
The key to managing your burnout in any capacity is being mindful, giving yourself some grace, understanding your emotions, and finding the main cause for your burnout.
Here are 5 ways to start managing your burnout in a healthy way.
If you’re looking for more ways to help with your burnout Charlene Rymsha’s book Burn Bright is a great resource and tool to help you on this journey. She provides guided exercises, wellness tips, and proven strategies to help you manage your burnout and start to live the life you truly want.
The first step on your healing journey is admitting to yourself that you are burnt out, and then figuring out what works best for you to start healing.
1. Identify Your Stress Triggers
Figure out those small or big things that make you internally start to freak out. Or ask yourself what is making you feel this way. Some people can pinpoint the exact thing that triggers them, while others may need to dig deeper. If you’re the latter, then take a few minutes to yourself, someplace quiet, maybe on a walk, or someplace that isn’t crazy loud. Take a few deep breaths, and ask yourself out loud. What is making me feel this way?
No, you’re not crazy for talking to yourself. Sometimes actually putting a voice to things can help you clear your mind a bit. So have a conversation with yourself to find out what’s making you feel a certain way.
2. Do more Self-care
Maybe you’re feeling a certain way because you’ve stopped taking time for yourself or taking time to do the things you enjoy. This is normally one of the main causes of burnout because we neglect our own needs. If you’re thinking that taking time to yourself is selfish because you HAVE to get other things done (laundry, text your colleague back, clean the bathroom, etc) Then I need to let you in on a little secret…
The only thing you HAVE to do is die.
May sound morbid, but my Dad would always say that the only thing we HAVE to do is die, the rest we GET to do. Think about that for a moment… (This man is also a Vietnam Veteran who has lived through A LOT)
Once you can come to terms with what that truly means then you know that you’re taking a step in the right direction. If we don’t take care of ourselves we will eventually fizzle out and find ourselves dying. Literally or figuratively.
If you don’t know where to start with self-care check out these 10 Self-Care Ideas or simply take some time to do something you truly enjoy. But remember, it can’t just be every now and then. You need to make yourself a priority every day in some way.
3. Be More Mindful
This one can seem weird if you don’t really know what being ‘mindful’ is. It’s really just being aware of the present moment, your emotions, and how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. When we tune into ourselves daily we start to understand ourselves better.
When we start to burn out it means we have stopped being present in our daily lives, and we have stopped being mindful.We put our emotions or our health on the back burner to get something else accomplished.
There are sometimes other things that take precedence and it can consume a large part of our time. As long as you can stay aware that this is going to be a moment in time, and you truly have to hunker down and just get through it. Then do that. But check in with yourself along the way, and when that moment comes to a close give yourself some grace. Then take some time to yourself.
If you need a jump start on how to be mindful check out these 3 easy tips to begin your mindfulness journey. Or if you’re like me and love books check out Andrew Weiss’s book Beginning Mindfulness. It’s a 10-week step-by-step guide to being mindful.
4. Take A Break
When all else seems to fail, take a break. In whatever way you feel the most comfortable to you. This doesn’t mean you have to book a vacation (I mean go for it if you have the means and really want to) but just give yourself some time to not do anything.
You can do some self-care during this break, or you can just do nothing at all. I would suggest turning your phone off during this break and not scrolling social media endlessly. Maybe just take some time to not do anything at all. Hey… go take a nap if you can 😉 (I always tell my toddler that he will feel better once he takes a nap)
5. Let It Go
As our good friend Elsa would say ‘Let it Go’ – if you have no idea what I’m talking about I’m sorry, but Disney is a big part of this household lol
When you’ve reached your breaking point, and know that you are burnt out, one of the best things you can do is let some of the bullshit go. Whether it’s work, parent, kid, friend, or family stuff, let it go. We can’t move forward if we are holding on to the past. So if it’s applicable to your situation and your certain type of burnout: Let that shit go.
You don’t need to be carrying extra baggage around with you, and you don’t need to be living in the past bringing that negativity to the future. (This is what causes stress and anxiety most times)
Manage your burnout in a healthy way by tuning into yourself on a daily basis.
– Identify Your Stress Triggers
– Do More Self-Care
– Be More Mindful
– Take a Break
– Let it go
Burnout can make you feel a bunch of different ways, and it’s okay if you are burnt out. Just make sure you don’t stay in that burnt-out zone. Start managing your burnout in a healthy way, and if you feel like you just can’t get yourself to do anything then maybe reaching out to a professional could help. They may be able to provide additional support and resources for you to stay accountable and start healing.
Online-Therapy is a great place to start if you’re looking to connect with a professional.
Use Code: THERAPY20 for 20% off your first month of therapy.
“Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.” – Sharon Salzberg
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